Rest ---whatz that??
It has been almost a week since we made our way to the Hurricane Zone at Lake Shore, Mississippi and yet we are still in "recovery mode." Pictured here, Chandler is standing in front of a lot that he spent a whole day attacking with a chain saw! Believe it or not, he made alot of progress! Next, you see him trying to cool-off by taking refuge in one of the Quonset Huts! We almost had to hog-tie the guys to get them to take even a few minute's break.
In the sermon today (back home in Georgia), Dave preached on the much needed subject of "Rest". I always find it interesting when he is preaching through a book and each week the subject seems to fit right in with what is going on in the world...or in my life!
The sermon brought to mind a page out of an old devotional book....let me share it with you:
"What is rest? -To step out of self-life into Christ-life; to lie still, and let Him lift you out of it; to fold your hands close, and hide your face on the hem of His garment; to let him lay His cooling, soothing, healing hands upon your soul, and draw all the hurry and fever from its veins; to realize that you are not a mighty messenger, an important worker of His, full of care and responsibility, but only a little child, with a Father's gently bidding to heed and fulfill; to lay your busy plans and ambitions confidently in His hands, as a child brings its broken toys at its mother's call; to serve Him by waiting; to praise Him by saying, "Holy, Holy, Holy;" to cease to hurry, so you may not lose sight of His face; to learn to follow Him, and not to run ahead of orders! to cease to live in self and for self, and to live in Him and for Him; to love His honor more than your own; to be a clear medium for His life-tide to shine and glow through. This is consecration, this is rest!"
It's UnAmerican. Not defined. Not taught. Highly criticized. Rarely----except on this occasion---preached in our churches.
So, Lord, teach me that I am Your little child. You worked six days creating all that there is....and waited until the last day of creation to make man....and what was his first assignment?? The Sabboth Day of Rest!
Does this mean I get to take a nap?! ;)
Does this mean I get to lay on the couch and watch more football?
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